President’s Message

On behalf of the Philippine Academy of Aesthetic Surgery, I would like to like to congratulate all the inductees to our academy!  Welcome to the PAAS family!

To the incoming Fellows, you are about to be given the highest membership rank in the academy and it is the culmination of your hard work and training in the field of aesthetic surgery.  From now on, you will carry the name of our academy in your practice.  It is both a privilege and a responsibility.  As we take pride in being esteemed fellows of PAAS, we should also be protecting its name by practicing safe surgery.  “Primum non nocere,” or first do no harm.  Safety of the patient should always be our number one concern.  Secondly, know when to refer.  Our academy has been gifted with a conglomeration of surgeons in different subspecialties, and for every aesthetic surgery procedure, we have the expert to help us out.

To our incoming Associate Members, you are now venturing into a world of surgical aesthetics.  Take the opportunity in learning more about the field.  As we learn about certain things, we can also contribute our knowledge to others.  Attend the scientific meetings and participate. It is thru each other that we learn more.

To the outgoing board and officers, kudos to you all in putting back PAAS to its usual glory.  We are now reaping the fruits of all your hard labour.  Working for the academy without expectations of anything in return is something to be emulated.  To Dr. Roberto “Tootz” Vasquez, you have led our organization these past years with confidence and dynamism.  PAAS will forever be indebted to you.

As the new president of the academy, it is my duty and responsibility to protect the interests of my members.  We are presently at a crossroad, and in the months and years to come, we will have to adjust to the needs of the times for our academy to soar to greater heights.

I congratulate and thank the new officers and board of directors who have accepted the challenge in making PAAS the premiere, world-class academy in aesthetic surgery in the country.  I am overwhelmingly delighted to have each and every one of you with me.  Knowing that you’ll have my back strengthens my confidence in pushing to do more.

Lastly, PAAS will not be here without its members.  Let us join hands in supporting OUR academy.  Attend. Contribute. Support.

Long live the Philippine Academy of Aesthetic Surgery!
